I recently cleaned and organized my studio and was astounded at the amount of materials I had amassed. My path is clear. I gotta make ART our of all this stuff. OK-Its too hot to even consider going outside. Permission to Play time!
I had serious intentions of serious painting when I was seized by the irresistible urge to do some experimental collage pieces. One thing led to another. When my feet and back started complaining, I looked at options for digital images, in the quest for composition. Companion pieces started coming our of the woodwork! It is amazing what can happen once we begin!
I had several small square canvases and a bunch of collage paper which has been calling to me from my bulletin board. I laid them out and began looking at various ways of connecting the images to communicate my concept. "Three Moons Ago" is a triptych that looks back in time in my life, and the various places that I have lived: desert, mountains, ocean.
I also began another Aspen image on Ampersand board with H2Oils, and found a companion piece for my Austin Bill Boards entry.
The new work will be shown at Austin Art Space Gallery in my space in the next couple of weeks. Visit our website for more information. Stay cool, and if you are not in the heat wave send us some rainy thoughts. Happy playing!
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