Thursday, April 14, 2011

Start painting and the ideas will come!

After I finished up in the studio yesterday, I hung the value study of the my latest painting entitled "Edge of Evening" in my studio entry to see what it looks like on a wall. Seeing the piece hung on a wall is a good way to get a feel for what the finished piece will require. Today after adding a yellow tone to the painting I picked up a couple of dyptych pieces also started on blue gessoed canvas. I think of these as paintings in the same batch, but they are all totally different, as though just beginning one painting brings forth a flow of other concepts.  I've been at it long enough to know I must take advantage of the flow of ideas, as the "muse"  seems to be quite fickle.  One in particular is interesting to me as it is so different from the tree images I have been painting.  "Earth Imprint" is about spring snow, and the desert Southwest of the USA, where I once lived.  I have no idea where the concept for this painting came from except it fits into my Sacred Earth Series.

I will post the finished paintings on my website, which I hope you will visit soon.  Happy creating to all!


  1. These all look great! I love seeing the tree painting hung, such a good way to really look at it. What a nice studio you have, by the way. The other two are off to a wonderful start as well. You are really on a roll. I will definitely check them out on your website when they are finished.

  2. Thanks so much for your thoughts! I keep the entry wall to my studio open for ongoing works and hang others in progress in the studio, but once they are finished I like for them to be "out there" and that is my biggest challenge. Any thoughts?
