Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thoughts on the "dry spells" of artistic creation

"For every artist who has developed a mature vision with grace and speed, countless others have laboriously nurtured their art through fertile periods and dry spells, through false starts and breakaway bursts...artists get better by learning to work, and from learning from their work." -ART and FEAR by David Bayles and Ted Orlando

I think of the dry spells of artistic creation as "incubation"  periods...where new ideas form and finally end up on a canvas. I've spent some time photographing things around our home in the wild west of Texas, which, of course, look like I spent a week in Santa Fe. I take hundreds of photos during "dry spells" is my life line when I have no clear direction. It is my way of seeing new paintings in the world.  Hope you enjoy the images! 
Now on to the work of painting and process to learn what comes next!


  1. wonderful photos and I too enjoy taking all kinds of photos that inspire...your work is wonderful!!!

  2. Lovely images! I can totally relate. The time helps you focus on what really inspires you and draws you in, so the time you actually spend painting is on subjects you are connected to and not just something to paint to meet a deadline or fill a blog post. I dream a lot of images and that helps me focus too! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Love the colors in these pictures of your house. It does look like you could have been plunked down in Santa Fe or Taos! Really beautiful. Good eye, girl.
