Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I never before knew the full value of trees. Under them I breakfast, dine, write, read and receive my company.-Thomas Jefferson

Marilyn Rea Nasky "Red Oak Winter" 48 x 36 x 2.5" Acrylic on canvas
Welcome to one of my recent artistic investigations of nature.
This December was cool, dry, and clear here in Central TX. The Red Oaks turned an amazing flame red which invited long walks and a lot of observation.  I had previously painted a series of Live Oaks using watercolors and was inspired to use acrylics to capture my feelings about the Red Oak trees that grow outside my studio window.  After I hung this piece several viewers commented that the vantage point took them back to childhood...being small and looking up through trees overhead, and a feeling of wonder.  

The painting is now being shown with other original works at the
J Gallery, JCC Dell Community Campus Center 7300 Hart Lane, Austin TX
March 8-April 14, Artist's Reception March 23
See my events post for more details


  1. You have given grace, beauty and a wonderful sense of composition to all...

  2. Thank you Bonnie! I am a fan of your work also. What a beautiful place where you live! Happy painting!

  3. hi what lovely work. thanx for your comments on my blog it was really nice to hear from you. It would be great to compare notes, maybe help each other out. I love to find out about people in lands far away. haha. keep up the good work. take care, moira.

  4. thanks for the comments on my blog. its great to hear from someone who works on the same sort of stuff. Your work is lovely. Im not sure if my comment has been added so this may come to you twice, if so delete one! pc's not my strong point, art, well not too bad.
    We will definately keep in touch. take care, moira.
